Episode #16 Dare to be Aware!

Hello in Today's podcast we are talking about awareness! How we can dare to be aware, and notice what is going on around us. What are we eating, drinking, or craving. As we are aware and connect to ourselves, we can then find out what we are eating, what we like to eat, and listen to our body's cues!

You can also go to www.taliariley.com if you want to connect or ask questions in anyway.

And watch for the podcast on Share your Hotness with Leta Greene that will be posted soon!

Join us tomorrow for this virtual conference on suicide awareness.  All proceeds go to https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fgooddeedrevolution.org%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3ElkHZx2KEOOEIot9arKKizgJ4TI1TY24pN8Ujh47XZjnlhG6OhvKixl8&h=AT3BfclG3_gLvuzvR8U1eoc_VFEMQ-tql0cv6Gm_afbvP7nzZeWh5e8N_U207UJgD_v_xavrga4_rkvKYBOwB241e1AhhtqeJMpRqhCdd1x7FhC1cjRq1z_ClS2GEVs6iw&__tn__=R]-R&c[0]=AT2ngfmMhT30dEY5YVInIpENvLR0DUdpkivMvWXSpFde-uoMPNodC8zQqwfJPLNsblipQbZRrQCKamVU9NReO6At0ryUYiCDcqBcBulh_u0E1cqDA19eYOUIP_XQZ_PUOUoxe-ETm1tnBZcM36D1B6DlTMvvBgJY6aa6o62V1klSF_fxcvozDzqSoBJt4NLUT_pZmBka64d-

And here is where you can purchase tickets for the online conference tomorrow.  Don't miss this line up of incredible speakers from the convenience of your home!
